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Quest:The Wounds Must Be Staunched

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The Wounds Must Be Staunched
Level 66
Type Solo
Starts with Elain
Starts at Lhan Tarren
Start Region Dunland
Map Ref [75.3S, 22.9W]
Quest Group Dunland: Trum Dreng
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It is terrible! I cannot believe those fiends crept in here in that short time when I was chasing Guto. I was worried you were taken too.

'Please, <name>...the wounded. You have seen many battles, and surely you have some skill in healing.

'We must stop the bloodshed in Lhan Tarren before we can hope to avenge the dead.'


Many villagers have survived the surprise attack on Lhan Tarren, but none have escaped without wounds.

Objective 1

Wounded townsfolk of the Stag-clan can be found in various parts of Lhan Tarren.

You should quickly heal the wounded villagers, before another life is lost to the horrible attack that took place in Trum Dreng.

Objective 2

  • Tell Elain that you have helped to heal the wounded townsfolk

Elain is in Lhan Tarren.

You should return to Elain to see what else can be done to help right this terrible wrong.

Elain: 'Thank the Gwirod for your skill, <name>. I believe you have saved many lives today.
'Alas for Lhan poor Elder! What are we to do? Please -- stay with us a little longer while we get back on our feet, my dear friend.'